Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Bygone Happiness

The earth trembled,
The wind blowed violently,
The happiness dissapeared,
To a far fetched land,
Far from the reach of man.
Along with the happiness,
Went the joy and peace of life
And all was engulfed by a sudden blackness.
The darkness of Hell.
All of the things wanted to cry,
But there were no tears.
Tears had flowed away,
And the eyes were now sore and dry.
Where did the happiness dissapear?
Everything around was ugly now.
The mountains no longer was beautiful,
The rivers no longer flowed calmly.
Everywhere there was the sadness,sorrow
About the vanished happinness.
Nature,Sun,Trees,Stars,and Moon
Were no longer visible.
It was dark & just dark all around.

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