Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Little Star

The day ended,
Like a fallen faded leaf.
The sleepy sun,
Started its way for the west .
Slowely darkeness filled the sky.
Then in the midst of the dense darkness,
Stars began showing its beauty.
Stars who are believed to be,
Souls of the dead.
Who showed way to strangled travelers,
and wandering ships.
Among the stars,
There was one small shining star,
Looking keenly at me,
As if,wanting to tell me something.
Then someone was talking to me.
I looked up to find,
The little star talking to me.
I too spoke to the star.
It answered all my questions,
Like a close friend .
As we were talking,
There came a group of angry dark clouds.
As if to beat the sky with its evil darkness.
Hiding my little friend from me,
Taking my happy moment away.
It then began pouring heavily.
I went away cursing the dark clouds.
And after that,I realized that,
That little star was indeed my friend,
The soul of my departed friend.
Bindiya Mathew.

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